Additional Session Types


(up to 5 people) - 45 minutes

An online gallery of edited images with 50-55 images in color and black and white.

One location - One Outfit



An online gallery of 45-50 edited images in color and black and white.

One Location & One Outfit


One Year Celebration

1 Hour Session

An online gallery of edited images with 40-50 images in color and black and white.

One location - Two Outfits


Additional Session Types


An online gallery of 35-45 edited images in color and black and white.

One Location - Two Outfits



An online gallery of 35-45 edited images in color and black and white.

One Location - One Outfit + Cap & Gown


Mini Session

30-minute session

20-25 edited images in color and black and white in online gallery.

One Location - One Outfit



An online gallery of 35-45 edited images in color and black and white.

One Location - Up to 4 outfits


Don't see the session type you're needing?

Submit a form with the session type you need! We will get back with you in 24-48 working hours!

Thank you!